Brief 1: My Idea Of Fun
Based on the ISTD brief; ‘It happened on this day’
The Brief
We are bored, we constantly need to be entertained; and with this constant need for attention and self indulgence there are outlets. Access to data is so effective that we are now better equipped than ever to create information that expresses histories in the personal as well as the international forum. Consider how best to interpret the project theme. However fascinating the topic and the information that you select, your challenge is to create a delivery platform that demands the reader’s attention. It needs to address the norms of information architecture while actively working to evoke an emotional response from the reader or viewer. Use print, screen, combined media – the choice is yours – as long as it expresses a solid idea, informs and shows your typographic and layout skills. Remember that words and language are the collateral.
‘I have told myself a thousand times not to be shocked, but every time I am shocked again by what people will do to have fun, for reasons they cannot explain.’ - This is a quote by Isaac Bashevis Singer that appears at the start of the novel ‘My Idea of Fun’ by Will Self. Influenced by both the quote and the novel, I have created a monthly magazine titled ‘My Idea of Fun’ (MIOF) which aims to come to some preliminary understanding of the dark forces shaping our lives. It exists so that one can indulge themself into the varying depths of human behaviour documented by literary heroes and exhibitionists alike. This magazine is a catalogue of people and events around the world intended to educate and sitmulate. This series investigates how, even as an enlightened society, we still have this constant need to be entertained, and as access to technology and data is so effective - we are better equipped than ever to create information that expresses histories in the personal as well as the international forum. MIOF is the newest platform that celebrates such behaviour, we are forever reblogging and reappropriating, we are more shocking than ever, so tell me; what’s your idea of fun?
With each issue of the magazine, there will be a launch party just as Vice magazine would do for example. However this is a launch party with a difference, the aim of the magazine is not to appear as intentionally controversial, but instead as a type of printed documentary, and so the material within each issue will feature at each issue launch party. Each launch will have a special guest lecturer who will give a reading from either a work of their own or someone they admire. The event will be held at the Tate Modern in London and will showcase some of the best in modern art such as Paul Mccarthy and the Vienese Actionists.
The most important promotional element to this product is that it is a new magazine distributed by STACK who are one of the most noteable independent magazine distributors. As MIOF would be promoted to existing STACK magazine subscribers, all members with a subscription would receive a promotional mail out with the first launch party programme and two free passes. It is important to target MIOF to this market as it is an audience interested in arts, culture and design and so the events at the launch, and even the magazine itself would be extremely well suited. Here is the feature on STACK magazines website and the promotional mail out.
Another promotional avenue is to target the audience through VOGUE and Esquire, and as the age range is 18-25, promotional posters and billboards will be situated in relative situations where the target audience would be present such as; on the side professional flats, galleries and across public transport all within the London area. The promotional campaign for the magazine will be titled ‘What?’ with the tagline ‘What’s your idea of fun?’
* 18-25 male and female
* Primarily creatives, as research, specifically into the ‘Plath effect’, suggests that people involved in creativity are more likely to experience the behaviour/influences that the publication will focus on.
* Although the publication aims to be accessible/universal, it is foremost aimed at the market who are into experimentation and whose beliefs/ideas/general life touches/comes into contact with some of the issues raised.
* A set of six publications exploring the previously mentioned ideas.
* Promotional material for an event in the form of posters and an event programme
* Passes to the event
* Photoshopped elements detailing the goings on of the event
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